
Van Jones, Obama Adviser Resigns Related 9 / 11

Van Jones resigned as an advisor to President Barack Obama after he was caught once made a statement that the U.S. government had a role in the terrorist attacks of 11 September 2001. The statement sparked controversy and criticism of Jones who currently serves as special advisor to the White House to the field of environmental quality.
In his resignation statement, Jones said, "I am resigning from my position at the Council on Environmental Quality." Nancy Sutley, head of the Council states accepted the resignation of Jones and Jones grateful for the dedication during his tenure as a special advisor at the Council.
Jones touted signed a petition claiming that Bush administration officials have been deliberately given an opportunity at the September 11 attacks, is likely to be a reason for the Bush administration for waging war.
But in his resignation statement, Jones said that the existing "black campaign against him. Jones claimed to have the support of many people who asked him to "stay in office and take the fight" against the insistence that wanted him back.
"But I came here to fight for others, not to fight for myself. I can not ask my colleagues to spend time and energy just to defend or provide an explanation of what I did in the past, "said Jones.
Jones' sharp criticism, especially from the Republicans in the U.S. who resigned as adviser to the urgency of the environmental field of President Obama, after the unfolding of the petition.
Mike Pence, Republican representative from Indiana for example, make a special statement calling for Jones to release the contents of office. Pence even called Jones have extreme views. "Rhetoric-terorikanya has no place in government or in the public debate," said Pence.

Regardless of keikusertaan Jones signed a petition containing allegations that the U.S. government's role in the attacks of 11 September 2001, the event itself still leaves a lot of big questions unanswered until this moment, for example;
- Why and air defense missile battery which is said to be installed around the Pentagon not activated during the attack happened? - Why does no one ever fired, punished or reprimanded because of inability to prevent what happened on the day of the attack? -Why is Sibel Edmonds, former FBI translator who claims to know the early warning about the attack, told to shut up by order of Attorney General Ashcroft? -How could a plane with flight number 77-which reportedly hit the Pentagon, could fly to Washington DC for 40 minutes without being detected radar of commercial aviation authority or military radar?
Many experts doubt that the attacks of 11 September 2001 is a pure terrorist attacks. They suspect that there is a role of the domestic U.S. is deliberately designed the attack.

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