Definition of Liberalism
Liberalism is an ideology, philosophical view, and political tradition which is based on the understanding that freedom is the primary political value. Liberalism grew out of context in medieval European society. When that society is characterized by the following two characteristics. Community members are bound to one another in a complex system of domination and strong, and the pattern of relationships in this system are static and difficult beruba
Liberal thought (liberalism) has developed since the Reformation of the Church and the Renaissance which marked the end of the Middle Ages (V-XV century). Called a liberal, which literally means to be free from restrictions (free from restraint), because liberalism offers a concept of life that is free from the supervision of church and king. This is totally contrary to the life of the medieval Western church and the king when it dominates all aspects of human life.
In general, liberalism aspire to a free society, characterized by freedom of thought for individuals. Understanding liberalism deny the existence of restrictions, especially of government and religion. Liberalism requires the existence, free exchange of ideas, a market economy that supports private business (private enterprise), which is relatively free, and a transparent system of government, and reject the existence of restrictions on individual ownership. Hence liberalism further understand the basis for the growth of capitalism.
In modern society, liberalism will be able to grow in the democratic system, this is because both are basing the majority of freedom. Compare Oxford Manifesto of the Liberal International: "The rights and conditions can only be obtained through a genuine democracy. Democracy is inseparable from true political freedom and is based on the agreement made with the conscious, free, and are well known (enlightened) from group majority , which is expressed through the ballot free and confidential, with respect for freedom and the views of minorities.
Society is best (the best regime), according to liberalism is understood that enable individuals to develop individual abilities fully. In a good society all individuals should be able to develop the minds and talents. This requires the individual to take responsibility for his actions, and not had someone do something or someone to tell him what to do.
The characteristics of the ideology of liberalism
Characteristic of liberal ideology as follows
1. Democracy is a better form of government
2. Members of the public has full intellectual freedom, including freedom
of speech, freedom of religion and freedom of the press.
3. The government only a limited set of community life. Decision
created just a little to the people so that people can learn to make
decisions themselves.
4. The power of a person against another person is a bad thing.
5. All of society is said to be happy if any individual or individuals most happy.
6. Tertantu's rights that can not be moved and can not be violated by any power ..
Ideology Liberaisme Formed
The teachings of orthodox liberalism is coloring the thinking of the Founding
Father Americans such as George Wythe, Patrick Henry, Benjamin Franklin, or
Thomas Jefferson
Countries that embrace liberalism ideology. Several countries in the Americas who embrace the ideology of liberalism United States, Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Cuba, Colombia, Ecuador, Honduras, Canada, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay and Venezuela. Today, less than liberalism also danut by country Aruba, Bahamas, Dominican Republic, Greenland, Grenada, Costa Rica, Puerto Rico and Suriname.
There are many other countries that embrace Liberalism Ideology in other continents.
Understanding Socialism
Socialism is a reaction to industrial revolution and its consequences. Early socialism that emerged in the first part of the 19th century known as the socialist utopia. Socialism is more based on the view of humanity (humanitarian). Socialist thought believes changes can and should be done by peaceful means and democratic. Socialist thought is also more flexible in terms of workers' struggle for the fate of a gradual improvement.
The term socialism or socialist can refer to several things related to ideology or group ideology, economic system, and the state. This term has been using since the beginning of the 19th century. In English, this term was first used to refer to followers of Robert Owen in 1827. In France, this term refers to the followers of the doctrine of Saint-Simon in 1832, popularized by Pierre Leroux and J. Regnaud in l'Encyclopédie Nouvelle [1]. Use of the term socialism is often used in many different contexts by different groups, but nearly all agreed that this term originated from the upheaval of the industrial workers and peasants in the 19th century to early 20th century based on the principle of solidarity and struggle for an egalitarian society that the economic system they can serve the public more than just a handful of elites.
The doctrine of Socialism Ideology
1. Creating a socialist society that aspired to the lucidity and clarity of argument, not by the ways of violence and revolution.
2. Problems should be resolved by democratic means.
Important names in the Ideology of Socialism
Important names in the Ideology of Socialism C.H. Saint Simon (1760-1825), FM Charles Fourier (1772-1837), EtinneCabet (1788-1856), Wilhelm Weilong (1808-1871), and Louis Bland (1811-1882).
Countries that embrace Socialism Ideology
Negraa Socialism is the ideology that embraces countries in Western Europe.
Understanding KomunismeKomunisme is one of ideology in the world, in addition to capitalism and other ideologies. Communism was born as a reaction against capitalism in the 19th century, in which they were concerned with individual owners and the exclusion of workers.
In general, severely restricts religious communism on their people, by the principle of religion is considered the opium that makes people daydream that restrict people from rational thought and real.
Communism believes changes to the system of capitalism must be achieved in ways the government by revolution and dictatorship of the proletariat is
required in the transition period. In the transition period with the help of the State under the dictatorship of the proletariat, all rights abolished and taken its own choosing to further be in control state.
Communism as an ideology began to be implemented during the outbreak of the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia on 7 November 1917. Since then communism as an ideology adopted and disseminated to other countries. In 2005 the country was still embracing communism is China, Vietnam, North Korea, Cuba and Laos.
The characteristics of Communism Ideology
The first key feature is its teaching of atheistic communism, do not believe in God. The communists think God does not exist, if he thinks God does not exist. However, if he thinks God exists, God be there. Thus, the existence of God is up to humans.
The second key feature is its lack of respect for human life as an individual. Man is like a machine. If you are old, damaged, be it useless junk like a junkyard engine. Communism also undervalue the individual, as evidenced by his teachings do not allow it to master the means of production.
Communism taught the theory of the struggle (conflict) class, for example, the proletariat against the landlords and capitalists. Communist government in Russia in the days of Lenin once held a cleanup of the capitalists (1919-1921). Stalin in 1927, entered into cleaning the feudal lords or landlords.
One of the communist doctrine is the permanent or continuous revolution (the revolution continued.) The revolution spread to the entire world. Therefore, communism is often referred to go international .. Communism is programmed to achieve a prosperous society, a classless communist society, everyone is equal. But to get there, there are phases of the proletariat dictatorship against democracy. One of the dictatorship of the proletariat is a clean job classes opponent of communism, especially the landlords and capitalists.
In the world of politics, communism embraced the one-party political system, namely the communist party. Thus, there is the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, Chinese Communist Party, PKI, and the Communist Party of Vietnam, which is the only party in the country concerned. So, in a communist country there is no opposition party. So, communism was essentially
do not respect human rights.
Who created them?
Karl Heinrich Marx (Trier, Germany, May 5, 1818 - London, March 14, 1883) was a philosopher, political economist and social theory of Prussia.
Karl Heinrich Marx Communism Symbol
Countries that adhere to Communist ideology
Communism as an ideology began to be implemented during the outbreak of the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia on 7 November 1917. In 2005 the country was still embracing communism is the People's Republic of China (since 1949), Vietnam, North Korea, Cuba and Laos
IDEOLOGY conservatism
Understanding Conservatism
Conservatism is a political philosophy supporting traditional values. The term comes from the Latin word, conservāre, preserve; "maintain, preserve, practice." Because different cultures have values that established and vary, the conservatives in different cultures have different goals, too. Some party conservatives seek to preserve the status quo, while others tried to return to the values of a past era, the status quo ante.
Samuel Francis defined authentic conservatism as "the persistence and strengthening of certain people and its cultural expressions are institutionalized." [1] Roger Scruton calls it "the preservation of social ecology" and political delays, the goal is to maintain, as long as possible, the existence as life and health of a social organism.
Characteristics of Subjects Ideology Conservatism
1. More concerned with the institutions of the kingdom and the church
2. Religion is seen as a major force in addition to preserving the traditions and customs in the governance of public life.
3. Institutions that are already established such as family, church and State are all considered sacred.
4. Conservatism is also opposed to radicalism and skepticism.
Who created them?
Ideological conservatism echoed by Edmund Burke, 1729-1797. Where is the ideology of conservatism has penetrated into some secular state
there now. Nationalism and nationality are now if the
Indonesia became the symbol of the struggle under the National Mandate Party
Amien Rais and the birth of the National Awakening Party dibidani by Gus
Edmund Burke
Countries that embrace Conservatism Ideology
Countries that have embraced Conservatism is the Ideology of Britain, Canada, Bulgaria, Denmark, Hungary, Netherlands, Sweden.
Understanding Ideology of Fascism
Fascism is a political understanding that mengangungkan absolute power without democracy. In this understanding, a very fanatical nationalism and authoritarianism also very subtle.
The word fascism is taken from Italian, fascio, itself from Latin, fascist, which means a bundle of wood stems. This wood and then ties the middle there
ax and at the time of the Roman Empire was brought in front of high officials. This is a symbol of fascist power than government officials.
In the 20th century, fascism appeared in Italy in the form of Benito Mussolini. Meanwhile in Germany, also comes an understanding that can still be associated with fascism, the leadership of Adolf Hitler's Nazism. Different from Italian fascism Nazism because the emphasis is not only nationalism, but even the racism and the racism that is very very strong. Because of the strong nationalism until they slaughter other nations that are considered lower.
Fascism is known as an ideology that was born and flourished in the 20th century. He is spreading rapidly around the world at the beginning of World War I, with fascist regimes to power in Germany and Italy in particular, but also in countries such as Greece, Spain, and Japan, where people suffer greatly by the ways of government management violence. Faced with the pressure and violence, they can only tremble in fear. Fascist dictator and his administration who led such a system, where a brutal force, aggression, bloodshed, and violence becomes law, sending a wave of terror to all the people through secret police and their fascist militia, who paralyze people with fear. Furthermore, fascist rule applied in almost all levels of society, from education to culture, religion to art, the structure of government until the military system, and from political organizations to the private lives of its people. In the end, World War II, which was started by the fascists, is one of the greatest catastrophe in human history, which claimed the lives of 55 million people.
Pioneer Fascism Ideology
Nazism with his book Mein Kampft Hitler, and Mussolini with Doktrine of Fascism.
Principal teachings of Fascism Ideology
However, it does not mean fascism has no doctrine. At least the forerunner of fascism leave traces of their teachings about fascism. Hitler wrote Mein Kampft, while Mussolini wrote Doktrine of Fascism. Subjects fascist Italian model who later became the grip of the fascists in the world, because his insights are to be moderate. According to Ebenstein, basic elements of fascism consists of seven elements:
First, mistrust in the ability of reason. For fascism, beliefs that are fanatical and dogmatic is something that is definitely correct and should no longer be discussed. Used mainly destruction of reason in order to "taboo" on the issue of race, empire, or leader.
Second, the degree of denial of humanity. For fascism is not the same man, just pertidaksamaanlah that encourage the emergence of their idealism. For fascism, men exceeded women, beyond military civilians, not members of the party members go beyond party, beyond a single nation that another nation is strong and should exceed the weak. So fascism rejected the concept of equality tradition of Jewish-Christian (and Islamic) that based on humanitarian aspects, and replace with the ideology that puts the power.
Third, the code of behavior based on violence and deceit. In the view of fascism, the state is one that is not known the term "opposition". If anyone is against the will of the state, then they are enemies who must be destroyed. In mental education, they recognize the indoctrination in concentration camps. Each person will be forced by any government to admit the truth of doctrine. Hitler is said to have said, that "the truth lies in the repeated words". So, not lies in the value of objective truth.
Fourth, the rule by the elite. In the fascist principle, government should be led by a handful of elites who know better wishes all members of society. If there is a conflict of opinion, then in force was the desire of the-elite.
Fifth, totalitarianism. To achieve its objectives, fascism is a total of marginalizing what is considered "the periphery". This is experienced by women, where they just placed on the 3 K which are: Kinder (children), kuche (kitchen), and Kirche (church). For the members of the community, the fascists apply a very strict control pattern. As for the opponents, then totalitarianism is raised by acts of violence such as murder and persecution.
Sixth, Racism and imperialism. According to fascist doctrine, in a country's elite is more superior than any popular support and therefore can impose violence to its people. In the association between countries then they saw that the nation's elite, ie they have more right to rule over other nations. Fascism also extended the validity of the racist lines, that their race is more superior than others, so others must be subject to or controlled. Thus, it brought the spirit of imperialism.
The last or seventh, fasisime have opposed elements of international law and order. The international consensus is to create a pattern of parallel relations between countries and peace-loving. While clearly rejecting fascist these equations. Thus fascism raised the war as the highest degree of human civilization. So in other words to act against international law and order.
Countries that embrace Fascism Ideology
Countries that have embraced Fascism Ideology is the United States, Britain, France, Italy and Germany.
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